Revel Art

Experience Revel

Empower students to actively participate in learning

Our art authors have reimagined their content for Revel, embedding interactives throughout the narrative that bring the discipline to life. Instead of simply reading about art, Revel transports students directly in front of key works, and allows them to virtually explore renowned museums, galleries, and even ruins from across the globe. For example, interactive Architectural Panoramas and Students on Site videos let students visit the Pantheon without leaving home. By empowering students to actively participate in learning, Revel boosts engagement and improves results.

Closer Look example

Closer Looks

In-depth walkthroughs of key works of art let students zoom in, focus in on details they might not otherwise see, and listen to expert audio, as if they were on a guided tour.

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Architectural Panoramas

Architectural Panoramas give students a 360º-view of renowned edifices and landmarks, helping students gain a sense of space and place.

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Architectural Panorama example
Pan and Zoom example

Pan and Zoom

Pan/zoom functionality along with scale markers invite students to look closely at particular artworks, while hearing the author’s voice reading the text material.

Explore pan and zoom


Art 21 videos provide up-close looks at contemporary artists at work. Students on Site videos make art more accessible, and experiential, than ever before.

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Videos example
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Imagine the impact of first-day access on your course

Offering course content through the Pearson Inclusive Access model can help students achieve more by providing affordable, high-quality digital course materials on or before the first day of class. Because all students have access by day one, faculty can start teaching and students can start learning.

Learn more about Inclusive Access