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What Is Exam Prep?

New to the Second Edition of ManageFirst, this exceptional online offering is available separately or packaged with each of the textbooks. Whether students are studying for the ManageFirst certification exam or cramming for finals, this interactive tool will provide students with every opportunity to succeed!

Conveniently delivered in a user-friendly platform, each instance of ManageFirst Exam Prep includes helpful learning modules on test-taking strategies, practice tests for every chapter, a comprehensive cumulative practice test, and more!

Visit our Titles Available page for ordering information.

To register or sign-in to Exam Prep, visit the ManageFirst home page.


Preloaded Content Back to top

We've done all the work for you! Content comes preloaded so students login and they are ready to go. Instructors can post announcements and view upcoming events(assignments). Instructors and students can participate in the "Activity" area, a social networking feature for those registered in the Exam Prep course.

Assignment Calendar and Gradebook Back to top

With the Assignment Calendar and Gradebook features instructors can easily assign specific tests and track students' progress as all provided assessments automatically feed to the Gradebook.



Learning Modules on Test-Taking Strategies Back to top

Learning Modules on test-taking strategies feature concise, frame-by-frame presentations of key information.



Practice Chapter Tests Back to top

Practice Chapter Tests are included for every chapter in the book! Once a test is submitted, students automatically receive a score and specific feedback as to which questions they answered correctly or incorrectly, along with rationales.





Cumulative Test Back to top

With the Cumulative Test, students have the opportunity to simulate a final examination that includes questions from all chapters in the book.






Additional Learning Modules Back to top

Additional Learning Modules provide insight for online course participation, career information, and exam success.






Built-In Communication Tools Back to top

Built-in communication tools allow instructors to communicate with students via email, start a chat session or discussion board, and more!




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