Revel for Computer Concepts: Demo

Video Transcript

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Each day, you have an opportunity.
A chance to inspire.
To motivate.
To create genuine excitement…
And to ignite the desire to know more.

All it takes is that ONE raised hand.
That ONE good question.
That ONE student — to light the fire in all the others.

But THAT won't happen if your students haven't done the reading.
Haven't prepared with the assignment.
And haven't gained the necessary background knowledge.

THIS is the challenge.
But WITH this challenge, comes opportunity.
And THAT's why we created Revel.

What if your students CAME to class prepared?
Not because they HAD to.
But because they WANTED to.

Revel is an exciting, interactive learning experience that deeply immerses students in the content, giving them the flexibility to learn THEIR way.

You set the pace… and your students read, explore, and practice — all in one continuous experience.

In Computer Concepts, Revel EMPOWERS students to think critically about digital literacy and HOW it will affect their lives and careers.

Students are able to INTERACT with the material like never before. They can apply chapter topics and demonstrate their understanding through a VARIETY of interactives, videos, and quizzes.

THESE interactive learning experiences inspire students, engage them in the material, and create real excitement about your course.
THESE are the experiences that ensure students come to class prepared.
Prepared to ASK that first question.
Prepared to MAKE connections.
And prepared to LEARN more.
From you.
From each other.
And from their own curiosity.