Revel for Educators: How to Create Assignments

Video Transcript

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Creating assignments provides your students clear due dates, and help them stay on track with their reading. As an instructor, creating assignments helps you track student progress.

You can create assignments in 3 simple steps:

First, Select Content to Assign.

Second, Set a Due Date.

Third, Publish the Assignment.

Let's get started!

From the My Courses page click the course card to open your course. Have your syllabus handy. Use it to guide you while selecting chapters and assignment due dates! To create your first assignment, click Get Started. Subsequent assignments can be created by clicking +Add Content.

First, I will select content to assign: Click a chapter from the chapters list. In the content pane you will see a detailed view of what's inside. If you see a caret next to an item, that means there's a module quiz nested inside.

Deselect any content you don't want to include in this assignment. For example, you may want to have your students take the summative chapter quiz on a later date. You can deselect it here, and create a separate assignment for it.

Second, I will select my due date. Use your syllabus to pick the best date for this assignment to be due. For example if your course meets Tuesday and Thursday, have your assignments due on Monday and Wednesday night. It's a good idea to keep due dates consistent from week to week. Having firm, consistent deadlines will help students develop a steady pace for their Revel assignments!

Click Set Due Date. This will enable you to add all of the selected content to be due on the day you specify. Click the desired date on the calendar, then click Save. In this example, my class meets Thursday the 14th, so I'll have my due date on the 13th. The chosen date will populate the Status column.

For this example I'm going to go ahead and select a different due date for the summative chapter quiz. In this case I use the quiz as a review tool, after I cover the content in class. I'll select the quiz, select a Friday due date, then click Save.

Now that my assignments' status is set, I'll click Next.

And now I'm at step 3, Publish the assignment. You see that both of my assignments are listed here in my course outline as Unpublished. Note that I can click on any content in my assignment from here to read, review, or even modify quizzes. I simply click Return to Assigning Content to get back to my Course Outline. Now I can Publish this assignment.

Check the box, or in this case, boxes, next to the assignment due dates to select everything in the assignments, and click publish.

I get a notification that my assignment groups successfully published, and when I navigate back to the assignments page by clicking my assignments icon, or the link to Card view, I now see my assignments have populated the calendar ribbon for my students.

Now that I have started my assignments, I'm going to make sure my course settings are set appropriately, including my time zone, and continue making more assignments by clicking +Add Content.