Revel for Hospitality: Demo

Video Transcript

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Every class is an opportunity to inspire learners. It's an opportunity to create real excitement about the material and instill a lasting sense of curiosity. One raised hand or one good question from one student in an entire class can ignite this process for everyone.

But all this depends on students coming to class prepared, which often means being familiar with the assigned reading. And that's a challenge. That's also why we built Revel around assigned reading and practice tools.

With Revel Hospitality, students learn to think critically about the fast-growing segments of the hospitality industry — tourism, restaurants, gaming, and more.​

Revel engages learners in a vibrant, immersive digital experience that deepens their knowledge and boosts retention.

  • It weaves multimedia tools and assessments right into the narrative, letting students dive deeply into concepts — without breaking stride.
  • By linking theory to practice, Revel prepares learners for success as future hospitality leaders.
  • With interactive simulations, students engage with key concepts and activate their learning.
  • Videos show hospitality professionals at work, bringing course material to life.
  • Multiple-choice quizzes check comprehension and offer feedback.
  • Students complete Shared Writing Activities and then discuss their responses with classmates.
  • With the Performance Dashboard, educators can monitor students' work and provide timely support.
  • And, thanks to the Revel mobile app, students can study anytime, anywhere, on any device.

These are the interactive learning experiences that help students connect with the material and create real excitement about the course. And these are the experiences that ensure students come to class prepared. Prepared to be the ones to raise their hands. Prepared to ask the question. Prepared to apply and learn — from their instructor and from each other.