Revel Paralegal

Experience Revel

Empower students to actively participate in learning

Our paralegal authors have reimagined their content for Revel, embedding interactives throughout the narrative that bring the discipline to life. Instead of simply reading about paralegal studies, students learn to think like a paralegal. Through video case studies, ethical analysis exercises, and law office simulations, learners build the conceptual knowledge, analytical skills, and ethical understanding they need to thrive in today’s law offices. By empowering students to actively participate in learning, Revel boosts engagement and improves results.

Video Case Study example

Video Case Studies

Professional reenactments of typical workplace scenarios illustrate real ethical and legal issues. Students complete follow-up short-answer questions.

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Virtual Law Office Simulations

After watching workplace simulations, learners play the role of an intern in a law office. They work with case files and complete assigned tasks.

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Virtual Law Office Simulation example
Ethical Discussion Question example

Ethical Discussion Questions

Learners respond to shared writing interactives addressing common professional situations. They submit their answers to a discussion board.

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Legal Analysis and Writing

Through a journal writing activity, students read actual cases and then respond to short-answer questions.

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Imagine the impact of first-day access on your course

Offering course content through the Pearson Inclusive Access model can help students achieve more by providing affordable, high-quality digital course materials on or before the first day of class. Because all students have access by day one, faculty can start teaching and students can start learning.

Learn more about Inclusive Access